



注:v6.0 以前では、リファレンスモデルへの変更を管理する方法と同様にモデルソースもこのプロパティを使用して取得できましたが、この機能はDeltaシステムで提供されるようになりました。

JScript の例

        This example demonstrates how to find all sources in the scene
        by using the Model.Sources property on every model returned from
        the X3DObject.Models property, given this structure:
            Scene_Root (Model)
                |- Herb (Model)
                |    |- Mixer           (animation clip on null.posx)
                |    |- null            (null.size = FCurve)
                |- Jesse (Model)
                |    |- Mixer           (animation clips on null.scly,null.sclz,null.rotz)
                |    |- null
                |- Sally (Model)
                     |- Mixer           (audio clip)
                     |- grid            (image on its texture projection)
function FindSourcesUnderModel( in_model )
        // We will return a comma-delimited string of the names of all sources found 
        var foundsrcs = "";
        Application.LogMessage( "\n\tSearching " + in_model.FullName + " for sources...", siComment );
        // Loop through the collection of sources found under this model to print the
        // name and add its name to the result string
        if ( in_model.Sources.Count > 0 ) {
                var s = new Enumerator( in_model.Sources );
                for ( ; !s.atEnd(); s.moveNext() ) {
                        var src = s.item();
                        Application.LogMessage( "\t" + src.FullName + " is a " + ClassName(src), siComment );
                        // Shorthand for making sure we don't add an extra comma to the start of the list
                        foundsrcs += ( foundsrcs == "" ) ? src.FullName : "," + src.FullName;
        } else {
                Application.LogMessage( "\tNo sources found on " + in_model.FullName, siComment );
        // Return empty strings too; the caller will handle testing for no data
        return foundsrcs;
// Set up the scene (see end of example for details)
// Search through all models in the scene for sources
var models = new ActiveXObject( "XSI.Collection" );
models.AddItems( ActiveSceneRoot.Models(true) );
models.Add( ActiveSceneRoot );
Application.LogMessage( "SEARCHING MODELS: " + models.GetAsText(), siComment );
// Build a collection of sources
var sources = new ActiveXObject( "XSI.Collection" );
for ( var m=0; m<models.Count; m++ ) {
        var results = FindSourcesUnderModel( models(m) );
        if ( results != "" ) { 
// Now this source collection contains all sources in the scene,
// regardless of which model they are under
Application.LogMessage( "\nFINAL SCORE: Found " + sources.Count + " sources: ", siComment );
Application.LogMessage( sources.GetAsText(), siComment );
// And just for bonus marks, get the list of external files
var extfiles = ActiveProject.ActiveScene.ExternalFiles;
Application.LogMessage( "\nBONUS: Found " + extfiles.Count + " external file(s)", siComment );
for ( var f=0; f<extfiles.Count; f++ ) {
        Application.LogMessage( "\t" + extfiles(f).ResolvedPath, siComment );
// Expected results:
//SEARCHING MODELS: Herb,Jesse,Sally,Scene_Root
//      Searching Herb for sources...
//      Sources.Herb.Shuffle is a ActionSource
//      Searching Jesse for sources...
//      Sources.Jesse.Zinging is a ActionSource
//      Sources.Jesse.Thwacking is a ActionSource
//      Searching Sally for sources...
//      No sources found on Sally
//      Searching Scene_Root for sources...
//      No sources found on Scene_Root
//FINAL SCORE: Found 3 sources: 
//BONUS: Found 2 external file(s)
//      C:\Program Files\Messenger\ONLINE.WAV
//      <factory_path>\Application\rsrc\noIcon.pic
// Helper function to make this example more readable
function SetTheScene()
        NewScene( null, false );
        // ~~~~ HERB'S SETUP ~~~~ 
        var herb = ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel();
        herb.Name = "Herb";
        var obj = herb.AddNull();
        // Make the icon a diamond
        obj.primary_icon = 7;
        // Set up an fcurve on the size of the null
        var keys = new Array( 1, 1,  34, 12,  73, 38 );
        obj.size.AddFCurve2( keys );    
        // Set up another fcurve on the null's position in X
        keys = new Array( 3, 0.5,  22, 1.0,  75, 3.5,  80, -2.0 );
        var fc = obj.posx.AddFCurve2( keys );
        // Store the fcurve on posx as an action source
        herb.AddActionSource( "Shuffle", new Array(obj.posx.FullName), 
                new Array(fc), new Array(true) );
        // ~~~~ JESSE'S SETUP ~~~~ 
        var jess = ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel();
        jess.Name = "Jesse";
        obj = jess.AddNull();
        // Create an action source on the null's scaling in Y and Z (fcurves)
        keys = new Array( 5, 1.2,  20, 1.7,  45, 2.0,  90, 2.5 );
        targets = new Array( obj.scly.FullName, obj.sclz.FullName );
        sources = new Array( obj.scly.AddFCurve2(keys), obj.sclz.AddFCurve2(keys) );
        actives = new Array( true, true );
        jess.AddActionSource( "Zinging", targets, sources, actives );
        // Add a rotation source too
        keys = new Array( 6, 0,  36, -30,  99, 0 );
        targets = new Array( obj.rotz.FullName );
        sources = new Array( obj.rotz.AddFCurve2(keys) );
        actives = new Array( true );
        jess.AddActionSource( "Thwacking", targets, sources, actives );
        // ~~~~ SALLY'S SETUP ~~~~ 
        var sal = ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel();
        sal.Name = "Sally";
        obj = sal.AddGeometry( "Grid", "MeshSurface" );
        // Create a grid with a texture projection
        ApplyShader( obj, null, null, siUnspecified, siLetLocalMaterialsOverlap );
        CreateProjection( obj, siTxtSpherical, siTxtDefaultSpherical, "", "Texture_Projection", null, siRelDefault, "" );
        // Applying an image to the texture projection creates an image source
        BlendInTextureLayers( "Image", obj, 1, false, siReplaceAndBlendInPreset, true, true, false, false );
        // Also add an audio source and instantiate it in the mixer
        var aud = ImportAudio( sal, null, "Wavy" );
        AddAudioClip( sal, aud );